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  1. V

    TIL - If your tax rate at contribution and withdrawal is the same, your take home from pretax RRSP contribution is the same as TFSA at withdrawal

    @reddragon4444 Agree with what you said. Applying a similar concept, a non-registered account will be very similar to a TFSA if you have no other income during retirement. As there, half your capital gains would need to exceed ~$30K before being taxed at all. The major difference is that you...
  2. V

    TIL - If your tax rate at contribution and withdrawal is the same, your take home from pretax RRSP contribution is the same as TFSA at withdrawal

    @shellyssaved The math in the article is correct. What @reddragon4444 is saying is that it is highly unlikely someone will be in the same marginal tax rate (before withdrawing from the rrsp) during retirement as when they contributed to the rrsp. If you contributed at say a 30% marginal tax rate...