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  1. W

    Struggling to understand market bond funds - what would it take to raise their value

    @trr Thank you, I did watch that one and starred following pensioncraft and it is a good explanation into bonds generally.
  2. W

    Struggling to understand market bond funds - what would it take to raise their value

    @miyuki256 Thank you. I mostly understand bonds in general. It is the interplay of the different bonds available at a given time, and what it would take for a low-yield bond fund to increase in value, whilst there are better offerings on the market. It seems that a crash in equity would make...
  3. W

    Struggling to understand market bond funds - what would it take to raise their value

    I am struggling to understand bonds. I have this one in my managed portfolio BlackRock Overseas Government Bond Index Fund, Price £1.18, current yield 1.22%, yield 1.93% nominal average life 8.43yrs.