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    Its a bit scary how easily the media is pushing the "property market bottom is here" agenda

    ...and some first home buyers are certainly eating it up with a bit more activity at open homes. In saying so I'm not seeing much of that eventuate in increasing sales/prices.
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    Here's my budget spreadsheet for anyone interested

    @resjudicata The point is that what you consider "good" may be different from what much of the rest of the population considers "good". Most people may be happy to be in the top half of earners and a 120k household income is exactly that. Also what you consider "not hard" (i.e. The 70k p.a.) is...
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    Here's my budget spreadsheet for anyone interested

    @resjudicata And yet less than half of NZ households sit above 120k hence its certainly above average.
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    Advice on cheap proteins.

    @walshmeister Tuna. Tuna. Tuna.
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    The BIG thread of financial tips and tricks

    @cardboardhorder The tips in there can apply to a wide variety of people and not every tip will be for everyone (I even used hybrids as an example). Also no RUC on non plug-in hybrids.
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    Does anyone know the best way to get affordable fish?

    @mazin Here in Auckland Oceanz is really good for fresh fish. Hoki for $18 a kg, Trevally $22 a kg etc... The issue with Palmy is there isn't a lot around - have you had a search for any fishmongers in your area? Sometimes some of them will have large 5kg+ boxes of frozen Hoki or other basic...
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    The BIG thread of financial tips and tricks

    @zrinka Added
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    Trying to get ahead can be really depressing..

    @ilearn Thats quite a bit. Is commuting together possible? Is public transport cheaper? Possible to work from home at all or more often? Shop around for insurance as well.
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    Electricity Tips

    @joillian Leaving the heatpump running on the same temperature at all times being cheaper is a myth - don't do it, heat when you need it and for how long you need it. In saying so, running a heatpump is something like 3 times more efficient than a fan heater.
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    Trying to get ahead can be really depressing..

    @ilearn I'm sure many are with the cost of living the way it is. Have you ever talked to anybody about your income and outgoings? Sometimes small tweaks can make a world of difference.
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    Best budget shampoo & conditioner?

    @myriamdo78 This is one item I've realised is not worth budgeting for. I use something like 1L shampoo a year and if I pay $10 for it or $20 it will not make a considerable difference. Its not worth saving 80 cents a month to fuck up your hair. If you want something budgety but not terrible...
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    Rent vs. Buy - Is my math correct? Am I missing anything? (An Analytical Approach)

    @turboizak TLDR; Buying does not make sense at current prices (if we are just looking at the mathematics) You are not wrong.
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    Buying on sale is not saving

    @andrew6297 Could not agree more. You are only saving if you need and were going to purchase the item anyway.
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    Cheap data?

    @resjudicata Have you tried Kogan Mobile? I'm not entirely sure about the service but you can get 180gb for the year for $330 which is $27 and 15gb per month.
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    Petrol Goes Up

    @sincerelyyours Z has a feature where you can purchase litres in advance at current prices - up to 1000 - so you can lock in current pricing.
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    Food Saving Tips

    @joillian Great tips. This one may be obvious but do shop at Pak n Save, Reduced to Clear and places like Why Knot. Initially the difference may not seem like a lot but it adds up over a year. Also Best Before is not a use by date and most food is perfectly safe to consume for months after -...
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    Bulk food from Costco then vaccume sealing and freezing portions.

    @resjudicata Wow I'm really sorry to hear that. While there is no way to give 100% assurance I would use some general common sense when repacking/freezing meat: - Do not unfreeze and refreeze multiple times- freeze just the one time when you get it from the supermarket and then unfreeze when...
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    The BIG thread of financial tips and tricks

    This is the BIG thread of financial tips and tricks to optimise your spending and stretch our dollars as far as possible while not affecting our quality of life too much. Please note that these tips can apply to a relatively wide array of people but some may not be doable for others. E.g. There...
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    Welcome to r/PovertyFinanceNZ - Information

    Welcome to Personal Finance for the Financially Challenged! Much of the financial advice online and on reddit is aimed at people who have varying degrees of disposable income, ability to invest, lots of free time, available transportation, no kids, a partner, access to credit, and beyond. This...
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    Petrol Goes Up

    @joillian WFH is such a lifesaver both from a financial and mental well-being sense. I strongly urge individuals who have the ability to work from home to lobby their manager for at least 1 day a week. Also if you have the financial ability, use Sharetank to lock in the pricing before the...