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  1. A

    Enjoying a life not spent working 24/7

    @boxnes Not at all. You've created quite the strawman out of me. I wasn't arguing 'against renewables'. I was comparing their cost and usefulness to oil and coal. No I do not think that they are the ultimate energy technology. All energy sources can be improved and made to be more efficient...
  2. A

    Enjoying a life not spent working 24/7

    @boxnes Climate change is a movement. There's no single, central person or entity behind it. It's a collective of different groups using it to push their own interests. It started from fringe scientists, where their findings are demanding more funding to keep their employment and relevancy...
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    Enjoying a life not spent working 24/7

    @karengodsgirlk2 I'm still a young adult mate, I still have another 50-60 years of life ahead of me. We are in the same boat. The main difference between me and you is that I wasn't indoctrinated about climate change ending the world in high school. In my tertiary years we were taught that it...
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    Enjoying a life not spent working 24/7

    @karengodsgirlk2 Climate change isn't real. It's just an international religion to control you and get you to comply. Have you ever noticed how none of their gloomy predictions ever come true and they're not even remotely accurate? Go watch Al Gores documentary an inconvenient truth from 2006...