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    Realistic Officer Retirement Questions

    @yburhannan82 Yoooo can you dm me that spreadsheet?
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    Realistic Officer Retirement Questions

    @peterku Yup.. cant really argue against an O retirement. Its somewhat hard for career officers to understand. We all think we’re hot shit because the AF is so easy progress in but the real world is not that forgiving. Its easier to get that guaranteed pension instead of gambling on the outside...
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    Hooray you’re middle class in Texas!

    @spiritualhuman Yea people consider middle class with thriving wage when in reality it means you can work and afford all necessities. Non essential probably arent factored into that equation
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    What to do with $125K right now?

    @resjudicata I could be hating but I think you’re right.. i mean what can this sub offer to a guy that clearly knows what to do with his money
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    Is Entrepreneurship the only way?

    @kereena Yea my household makes a similar income to this guy (less gross but more net because of tax advantaged salary) and we save so much money its ridiculous. Between 5k a month for our forever home fund, monthly roth iras, bitcoin and 1k to our vacation fund we still cant spend all of our...
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    Is Entrepreneurship the only way?

    @wesmurray This is true. What impressionable young folks dont realize is that making influencer lifestyle kind of money isnt easy. If it was we’d all be rich as hell. It reminds me of how alot of young people find themselves caught up in a pyramid scheme at some point. But like I said.. many of...
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    Is Entrepreneurship the only way?

    @mjes Everything you said was spot on but I feel like alot of people have to learn the hard way. Young entrepreneurs are extremely rare and sometimes exaggerated for social media/YouTube. Real success is slow and steady and takes skill. The real issue is that everyone thinks they’re the one to...