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  1. I

    Convert tIRA to ROTH now (26 y.o.) or not

    @justian The only thing that matters is the tax rate now vs. the tax rate in retirement. If the two tax rates are the same, there is no difference. If you are in a low tax rate and can afford to pay the taxes, go for it.
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    Help understanding 403(b) and 457(b) plans

    @patchrex Good news - CPS' 403(b) and 457(b) plans are both excellent. 403bwise are the experts on this topic. If they say it's a good plan, it's a good plan. If you want a deeper dive, they did a podcast episode on the CPS plan...
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    Deciding between 403(b), Roth 403(b), Roth IRA—insight?

    @rickyrecumbant See What to do with my money on the sidebar --------------->
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    Borrow from 401k to invest in a general investment account?

    @nikki225 Just curious, what are the fund options (with expense ratios) in your 401(k)?
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    Filing Taxes b/c of Roth IRA?

    @elissia At low income you may qualify for the Savers Credit. I think you should run the numbers.
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    Help understanding 403(b) and 457(b) plans

    @patchrex There's no match because you get a pension contribution. But yes, it's still worth contributing. IRA first, then the workplace plan.
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    Advice needed: Vanguard won’t let me transfer my Fidelity Rollover IRA to current 401(k)

    @katalin95 Note that this decision is made by your employer, not Vanguard. The plan decides whether it will accept incoming rollovers. Compounding doesn't work that way. Assuming all other things being equal (investment options, fees and expenses), two accounts will compound at exactly the...
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    To 403(b) or not to 403(b)? That is the question.

    @juicemex07 401(k) and 403(b) both share the same limit, so you're going to want to figure out which plan is better and stick with that. 457(b) has a separate limit. If you can afford to max both, go for it. Yes, both Fidelity and Vanguard are good choices. Fidelity offers a 457(b) plan but...