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    Some Advice Needed For a 26 y/o Bumi Noob

    @dontwanttotell Something more risky that can give me a higher return I guess? Or maybe that's just the greed in me talking haha. But if you guys think ASB is good enough for now, then I guess I'll just stay with ASB.
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    Some Advice Needed For a 26 y/o Bumi Noob

    @alpharius You noob pro la kot hahahaha. Kidding! Everyone has their own pace in life so no worries, my friend! :)
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    Some Advice Needed For a 26 y/o Bumi Noob

    @samretired It was a student job in the States! :) I was there for 4 years, so I kinda moved up in rank and got paid sliiiiightly more than the average student.
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    Some Advice Needed For a 26 y/o Bumi Noob

    @bygrace87 Well tbh, I'm not working in the field that I graduated in. My current job and my degree are pretty much unrelated. So even with my overseas degree, I'm basically starting fresh-- pretty much a baby (not much knowledge, not much experience).
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    Some Advice Needed For a 26 y/o Bumi Noob

    @ellie1998 Peanut as in less than 2k net income per month. And that 180k does not come from my peanut job, obviously haha. I was studying abroad before, where I had a part-time job. Ringgit was doing very poorly around the time I graduated, so when I returned to Malaysia and converted the money...
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    Some Advice Needed For a 26 y/o Bumi Noob

    Hi everyone! So I've been a silent reader here for a while now - never commented or posted anything. I made this throwaway account because my main one uses my real name (Who uses their real name on Reddit anyway? Silly, I know). Anyway, I need some advice on what to do with my money. (Not that I...