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    100k into s&p 500

    @the_family_monastery If you're hell bent on your strategy, buy it through InvestNow - they have USF available without the $30 set up fee for Smartshares or the Sharesies transfer fees. You're far better off with other options (e.g. Foundation series) if you're investing long term, but for one...
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    Hatch $3 fee for usd stock (VT) vs kernel 0.25 fee for S&P stock move funds or not? kiwi saver help

    @cited It's the foundation series TWF fund, not the Smartshares TWF that I'm referring to. They both track the same index so you might as well go with the lower cost one.
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    Hatch $3 fee for usd stock (VT) vs kernel 0.25 fee for S&P stock move funds or not? kiwi saver help

    @in_jesus_i_trust Foundation series total world fund is 0.07% fees, with a 0.5% transaction fee, however you can't invest in it in their KiwiSaver scheme (yet?). Definitely a very good option for investing in VT, especially in smaller amounts, given its a fairly low fee and a PIE fund.
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    U.S. tourist for 6 weeks: Rent a car vs buy and sell

    @wakemantk It is relatively cheap to fly Auckland to Christchurch for what it's worth - may still be worth considering. Edit: sorry just read that there's five people going, yeah maybe less worth it then!
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    Power and fibre providers

    @niknak91 Oh right. Yeah you're probably with Aurora, unfortunately they've chronically underinvested in order to pay dividends to the council so current customers are having to pay the price...
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    Power and fibre providers

    @niknak91 Those all seem very high rates - are you somewhere like the far north or something?
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    Powershop 33% increase

    @hopefulhepatica The "33% increase" they're referring to is just the daily charge going up by 30c/day + GST - 15c/day extra to both the retailer and the network. Unless they use no power at all their overall bill will be a lot less than 33% higher. For both retailers and networks the current...
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    Powershop 33% increase

    @guadalupana Flick are also charging $1.38/day for low users as far as I'm aware - very few retailers are offering less (doing so means they'd have to absorb the network's higher daily charges by having higher variable rates generally).
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    Powershop 33% increase

    @rickt65 Depends entirely on where to live and what your network determines is their daily charge. For standard users (i.e. not low users which I assume you are) this varies by several dollars a day between networks.
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    Powershop 33% increase

    @yorkiegal Given 7 adults would presumably use more power than a pensioner living alone, the latter case would still have a much higher power bill than the former, so I'm not sure what the point you're making here is. If certain people need assistance paying their power bills, targeted...
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    Powershop 33% increase

    @moonlightdreamer Power companies make the majority of their profits from selling wholesale energy, so that's not really relevant to daily charges from retailers and networks.
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    Powershop 33% increase

    @sahartech Aurora is entirely owned by the council - is there any reason to think it'd be run any better if it were directly managed by the council rather than running it as a publically owned corporation? Council management of 3 waters throughout the country hardly inspires confidence. Local...
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    Powershop 33% increase

    @hisdorkette88 Those very high daily charges are for high capacity connections or very remote houses - unfortunately that just reflects the cost for networks to serve those customers. The alternative is to have the rest of the population subsidise them which isn't really fair either. As for the...