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  1. P

    Does paying off debt with low interest rate even make sense?

    @galapagoschange31 But why drain your emergency fund in the first place? Seems like unnecessary risk.
  2. P

    Does paying off debt with low interest rate even make sense?

    @galapagoschange31 Having to worry about food and water with $0 in the bank seems worse than also having to worry about mortgage payment but having $100k+ in the bank.
  3. P

    New to financial planning, I wasted 8 years of my 401K employment matching only 3%. Is it too late for me (30 F)?

    @shanewp1988 Thanks to your income you have the opportunity to do better than most, as long as you keep your expenses under control. Definitely far from too late. That income also disqualifies you from IRA by the way. (You could contribute $6500 to a regular IRA but it wouldn't be tax...