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    Better alternatives to saving accounts in Europe

    @highway2heaven Better off investing directly in a QMMF such as XEON or CSH2. You will get a better return.
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    Comparing gas and electricity suppliers - Comparison?

    @twerne It was a good thread for off-book rates (Flogas company rates and WaterPower Variable rates) but there are no off-book rates now. So the thread is full of renewal offers that people are getting from their existing provider especially when they hold out. I.e. no special offers in that...
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    Better alternatives to saving accounts in Europe

    @wrennelson143 Exactly. You would want to be crazy to follow the above very high risk insane process.
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    Best savings accounts EU?

    @knowhisjoy77 The Monzo offer, that you mention, is for GBP savings, not EUR. Stay away from Kraken staking. Options include: - Raisin (certain countries) - Trading212 - Lightyear - Money Market Fund such as XEON.
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    Better alternatives to saving accounts in Europe

    @betzoor422513 Ditto with Trade Republic, Lightyear and XEON. But they pay more.
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    Better alternatives to saving accounts in Europe

    @betzoor422513 2.46% is not great when you can get 4.00% with Trade Republic, ~4.10% with Raisin and 3.25% with Lightyear and about 3.80% with a QMMF such as XEON.
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    Trading 212 raises € interest to 4% paid daily

    @stephenk XEON tracks the ESTR less TER. ESTR is 3.90%. XEON yields about 3.80% net.
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    Better alternatives to saving accounts in Europe

    @lisek T212 offer is a QMMF bubble wrapped product. Hence, no deposit protection, capital at risk and different tax rates may apply (investment rather than deposit interest). Considerations.
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    What is the best % rate for savings account in your country.

    @sunflowers24 In Ireland the highest rates available to Irish residents are with banks outside the country. i.e.: Raisin Bank (up to 3.45%) + Bunq (1.56%) + GoLightyear (1.75%) + (1.12%) + Trade Republic (2.00%). Ireland domestic bank deposit rates are awful.
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    Are Irish government bonds tax free?

    @spiritsight Tax free for gains. Coupons different. Excellent thread on Askaboutmoney on this topic here:
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    Trading 212 raises € interest to 4% paid daily

    @wrennelson143 Your money is placed in a money market fund that in-turn could invest in bonds or other forms of debt or interest bearing securities. Yeah the risk is low but the point is that it is an investment rather than a traditional bank deposit with interest and protection.
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    Trading 212 raises € interest to 4% paid daily

    @wrennelson143 But this is not money sitting idle in a segregated account. This is a bubble wrapped money market fund product. Your money is placed in an investment.
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    Revolut Robo advisor

    @abbie333 Don't waste your time and money with this high fees product. VWCE or SXR8 or JAM are all better options.
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    What is the best % rate for savings account in your country.

    @bryher1980 La Poste force you to open a current/banking account before you can open a Livret A. You must be a resident to open a current/banking account. Hence, La Poste is not an option for non residents.
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    What is the best % rate for savings account in your country.

    @alabama54 The Livret A 3.00% account can legally be opened by non residents. I have yet to find a French bank that will let non resident EU citizens open a Livret A account.