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  1. R

    How would you handle my (23F) income v. expenses?

    @faithactivated You should probably be paying minimum on the student loans. Run the numbers on the new SAVE plan. Your interest rates are super low and the interest is tax deductible. Paying the loans aggressively ahead of schedule is a very bad idea financially. You would be much better off...
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    Is there a rule of thumb for % of retirement contributions going towards traditional vs Roth in 22% tax bracket?

    @saawariya39 Yeah I don’t think you are getting the difference between the two. It’s not even necessary to balance the two. Most people are better off 100% traditional since they don’t have a ton saved for retirement. That is your case. It’s pretty simple: What is your tax bracket now? What is...
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    Is there a rule of thumb for % of retirement contributions going towards traditional vs Roth in 22% tax bracket?

    @saawariya39 The choice between Roth or traditional depends on your marginal tax rate. Since you don’t have a lot of savings, you should probably be doing traditional since it’s unlikely that your income will be higher in retirement than currently.
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    Pension vs. higher salary job

    @gagaermac Probably not. Pensions usually provide the best value for “lifers” and “late joiners”. Vesting and not collecting for a few decades will greatly reduce the pension in real purchasing power (after inflation). I’d take the new job and keep looking for a better opportunity. Climbing...
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    Can I afford a house?

    @tongdtbds4 Remodel was done in 2010. House was built in the 1950s.
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    Can I afford a house?

    @tongdtbds4 Met one now. Nice to meet you. No surprises. Everything worked in the house we bought (10 yr old remodel). Been there since 2019 no major issues.
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    How can I save money

    @mobezom Mint. Free and it does it all automatically
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    Pay cash or line of credit for used car?

    @huey507 If you can’t pay cash, you can’t afford it. Just save up aggressively until you feel comfortable paying cash. This is not an immediate go into debt situation.
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    Is our spending reasonable?

    @zombimansimp Yes this is all reasonable.
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    Future Anxiety - How’m I doing?

    @jesusreigns4ever I would be moving cash beyond 3-6 mos of expenses into back door Roth IRA or 401k over the next couple of years. Sp 500 did 20% this year. What do you think it’ll do over the next 20-30 years?? Double? More? You get the idea.