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  1. G

    How’d your super do?

    @snorklebee That sounds pretty good. Do you mind telling your total fees? Or is that it? And if so am I paying too much?
  2. G

    How’d your super do?

    @mcsterling Sounds like you’re being smart about it.
  3. G

    How’d your super do?

    @mcsterling My super would cover about half our outstanding mortgage and on her own with a mortgage of $200k my wife would have a comfortable life paying the rest off. But you’re making me think we should talk about that as extra money would take away one stress is one of us passes.
  4. G

    How’d your super do?

    @mcsterling I just have income protection. That’s enough to cover everything I need to contribute.
  5. G

    How’d your super do?

    @mcsterling Nice work. Our taxes and fees were about the same! Do you have any insurances on your super?
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    How’d your super do?

    @aqstract No worries it’s an easy one! Interest earned,divided by current balance, and then times it by 100 to get the % in case you didn’t know 😀
  7. G

    How’d your super do?

    @aqstract 12.5% nice one mate!
  8. G

    How’d your super do?

    @somethingon Very cool to hear it from that perspective. Sounds like a have a nice retirement money wise.
  9. G

    How’d your super do?

    Interest earnings were $21713.05 Money in $15,100 Money out (fees and shit) $3400 is this a lot? 12.07% return. With Rest in highest growth/risk account. Is this also good? Super balance now $209k and I’m 38 years old. Feels like a very privileged position to be in.