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  1. I

    Should I invest in s&p 500 (Voo&schd) or continue getting 5.2% off of t-bills?

    @goneguy im hoping in life i can use it around 40 but who knows what life with throw at you
  2. I

    Should I invest in s&p 500 (Voo&schd) or continue getting 5.2% off of t-bills?

    @goneguy but should i put that in my 401k plan or my regular taxable brokerage account. my thought on 401k is im putting money in it and won’t be able to use it until i’m too old to enjoy it
  3. I

    Should I invest in s&p 500 (Voo&schd) or continue getting 5.2% off of t-bills?

    @zabuland max 401k (which invests me in a 2060 target date fund) or taxable account?
  4. I

    Should I invest in s&p 500 (Voo&schd) or continue getting 5.2% off of t-bills?

    I save roughly $1700 every two weeks. I had been thinking on it, and know that 3 year returns on VOO is 18.17% So this makes me wonder if i should be investing more in my taxable account towards the stock market? I already maxed my Roth IRA for the year and a taxable would be what I can...