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  1. K

    If i drove total 3000 kms in 2020, what is the average gas price i have to calculate to get the final cost?

    @hiwaystar Why do you want to calculate this? The only accurate way would have been to save your receipts. If it doesn't need to be accurate just calculate a rough average price yourself.
  2. K

    TFSA interest rates. So EQ is offering 2.30% for months, is that amount split over the months or it per months?

    @anneshy Yes, you would get $3.80 a month for the first three months. Then the interest rate drops to whatever the non promotional rate is.
  3. K

    Limit on TFSA earnings?

    @thankujesus You aren't likely to be penalized for what you've done.. but if you kept doing it and made a lot of money there's a good chance the CRA would look into it and it would no longer be tax free I think you should also realize professionals rarely beat the market over the long term...