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  1. K

    6/7 years ago my $940 CC debt was sent to collections through B of A. What should I do?

    @titus I've never been on a company credit card, so I have no idea what "normal" is. (When I need to make a company purchase, I either do it with my personal credit card and submit for reimbursement or the boss hands me his credit card to make the purchase.) But I know that if this was...
  2. K

    6/7 years ago my $940 CC debt was sent to collections through B of A. What should I do?

    @titus I would complain loudly to your employer about this. What's the point of you even being an authorized user on two maxed-out cards?
  3. K

    6/7 years ago my $940 CC debt was sent to collections through B of A. What should I do?

    @titus Does it show you as "in debt" or having that as "available credit"? There's a big difference. My wife has a credit card that has something insane like a $30K limit. So that $30K shows up as "available credit" to us, even though our actual balance is like $500. Having available credit...
  4. K

    6/7 years ago my $940 CC debt was sent to collections through B of A. What should I do?

    @titus Your debt should be incurring interest now. So if you pay, say, $200 towards it, then you're only paying interest on $740 instead of $940. If they're not showing interest, then that's a little bit suspicious and I'd definitely want to talk with a human to make sure the debt hasn't been...
  5. K

    6/7 years ago my $940 CC debt was sent to collections through B of A. What should I do?

    @titus It may just mean that Bank of America referred it to their own internal "collections" department - not that they sold the debt to a collection company. If Bank of America sold the debt, then you don't owe Bank of America anything - you owe it to the company they sold it to. But...