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  1. C

    How is anyone with a full time job struggling ?

    @deborahs757 First of all, assuming that both have the same income is bold. One of the partners could easily earn less as my salary isn't exactly common in certain branches of work as well. Second of all, if both work 100%, which you do assume, you'd have to pay for Kita 5 days a week. That's...
  2. C

    How is anyone with a full time job struggling ?

    @actuallyfun No worries, it's a legitimate question. First of all, my homecountry is FL, so CH is a bit cheaper in comparison, esp. when it comes to housing and, believe it or not, healthcare. Second, my partner is Swiss and is working here, and due to the fact that it's infinitely harder to...
  3. C

    How is anyone with a full time job struggling ?

    @bulletproof3 Constructive and insightful commentary, right there. Love to see it :)
  4. C

    How is anyone with a full time job struggling ?

    @bulletproof3 Reading comprehension, my guy. I never said I couldn't make it. Quite the contrary, I'm happy with being able to save 20+k per year at under 30 years old. As long as it's worth it to me, who are you to judge how I spend my money? I know perfectly well when to cut back on...
  5. C

    How is anyone with a full time job struggling ?

    @mizchristine Depends. Got a subscription with unlimited data and calls worldwide as I use it quite a bit which is 99/month, as well as fiber internet which is 49/month. This equates to 1.8k/yr, which is worth it to me.
  6. C

    How is anyone with a full time job struggling ?

    @mwj Guess most Redditors are working in IT, where salaries are mostly blown out of proportion around here.
  7. C

    How is anyone with a full time job struggling ?

    @deborahs757 How in the fuck is 105k (let alone renting out an apartment) a 'normal' 100% salary. I'm making 74k. Housing is 18k, Health insurance around 5k, Food and household spendings around 7k, Internet and phone bill 2k, Fun and vacation 5k, Car around 6k. Means 74k - 43k - 7k in taxes =...