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  1. B

    Today at 34 years, 1 month and 2 days old - I hit 100k in my 401k (with company 4 years), and 1M net worth

    @thespiritoftruth Why do the homes need to be paid for?
  2. B

    Today at 34 years, 1 month and 2 days old - I hit 100k in my 401k (with company 4 years), and 1M net worth

    @thespiritoftruth I think people should live in their homes. Access to shelter and housing should be considered a right. Putting a price on it seriously hinders the lives of many. It can also outright block those in situations that need housing the most from receiving it.
  3. B

    Today at 34 years, 1 month and 2 days old - I hit 100k in my 401k (with company 4 years), and 1M net worth

    @lovemyricecooker Well it’s certainly part of the reason though right? If they were giving it away then it follows that this problem wouldn’t exist. You are right though. The industry isn’t the root cause of the issue, it is deeper than that.
  4. B

    Today at 34 years, 1 month and 2 days old - I hit 100k in my 401k (with company 4 years), and 1M net worth

    @thespiritoftruth It doesn’t but I’m not going to leave or stop organizing and educating. There are people that need help and there are people living comfortably that could have a lot more freedom if things were different. I want to help make sure that could one day happen.
  5. B

    Today at 34 years, 1 month and 2 days old - I hit 100k in my 401k (with company 4 years), and 1M net worth

    @lovemyricecooker It doesn’t. You mean to say you aren’t angry that some people can’t afford food?
  6. B

    Today at 34 years, 1 month and 2 days old - I hit 100k in my 401k (with company 4 years), and 1M net worth

    @kc316 No, this system is not the fault of present landlords. They do directly benefit though by exacting a price for something that we all need to survive.
  7. B

    Today at 34 years, 1 month and 2 days old - I hit 100k in my 401k (with company 4 years), and 1M net worth

    @kc316 You realize there is a huge demographic of people who need shelter and are denied it because they cannot afford it.
  8. B

    Today at 34 years, 1 month and 2 days old - I hit 100k in my 401k (with company 4 years), and 1M net worth

    @resjudicata They’re already doing that with their rental properties