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  1. L

    Will not be investing for the next 7-9 years, can I still catch up?

    @ari3l654 At 40, $200k at 7%, inflation adjusted, growth would put you at ~$400k at 50. At 60 ~$800k. At 65 ~1 million. This is with no additional contributions. In order to achieve your projected $120k yearly distributions for retirement (roughly $3 million at 4% withdrawal rate) Let's do some...
  2. L

    How am I doing?

    @elisemjmt You only owe 2800 on the CC. Just pay it off... Then start saving some more to pay off the other card, which will have interest again soon. I'd need to know more about the APRs for your car note and student loans to evaluate whether its worth paying off sooner, rather than arbitrage...
  3. L

    (late 30s) Possibly living off some early retirement money for a while, need someone to double check the math for me real quick.

    @jaswds The student loans are almost certainly the better option. Yeah if you pass and you contribute the extra income every single year, you will catch up to your mistake, but it's better to just take out a private student loan. Even private loans don't have that insane of an interest rate, and...
  4. L

    (late 30s) Possibly living off some early retirement money for a while, need someone to double check the math for me real quick.

    @jaswds The only time you should be pulling out retirement money is when you retire, or you are facing bankruptcy (and even then those funds could be exempt, so you still don't want to pull them). Have you considered student loans instead? Even if we say its 8% that's over 130k you just lost...