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  1. L

    Pros and Cons of Job Relocation to KL

    @dazza_73 Well argued and fair enough. I can see your predicament there. It's definitely worth thinking twice. I suppose it also depends on where you are in your personal life. If I have kids, I'll probably not risk it. But if I'm single, I'll still bet on myself to succeed wherever I go...
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    Pros and Cons of Job Relocation to KL

    @dazza_73 Go for it. There are a lot of intangibles to benefit from. You will elevate yourself. Bigger game means better experience. More politics & human antics, although unpleasant, means you will develop a more diverse set of skills to solve problems (close a sale). Moving out and living...
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    My mum has 30k PAJAK GADAI debt. Ideas on how to solve it

    @charley18 You are right, personal loan is a bad idea. You are putting interest on interest. 0% is the only way to go. But realistically, the cash advance idea would probably not work for you. Here's why: 0% cash advance is usually up to 90% of credit limit, and for a 1 year term. So you'll...
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    Advise on Clearing Hutang(s)/Loan

    @matthewades Option A. Liquid cash is king. Pamper your wife and save the rest. Big cash amount is hard to come by. 0% interest is also relatively hard to come by. Don't use 1 good thing to cancel the other good thing. Your only debt with interest is the car at 3.2%. Thing is, you've already...
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    Advise on Clearing Hutang(s)/Loan

    @mlorrainee Correct. Taking from your example, a car loan is a bank selling you 10,000 for the price of 11,600 (193.33x60). If you've already paid 5000, and you want to terminate the loan, you'll have to pay not 5,000, but somewhere closer to 6,600 (in OP's case of 10% discount, 5,940). The...