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  1. C

    Buy a condo w/o mortgage or a better one with?

    @resjudicata Yeah, due diligence
  2. C

    HXS low trading volume

    @exit96 I agree it doesn't make sense to buy Horizons corporate class in either TFSA nor registered accounts. I agree the only place to consider it is in non registered accounts, and the difference is mainly in the yearly distributions tax drag. Again, there's a big risk to the corporate class...
  3. C

    HXS low trading volume

    @exit96 Foreign withholding tax is 15% on about 2% of yield, so about .3%. The swap fee is also .3% hence there is no advantage from the perspective of FWT. I agree the main reason for Horizon corporate class is to avoid distributions (dividend, capital gain, foreign) and the overall yearly...
  4. C

    HXS low trading volume

    @ambi For all intents and purposes HXS will return the same as VFV (notwithstanding some minor details: swap fee, dividend withholding taxes) ETF volume...