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  1. H

    Buying property using a company

    @lukemaster130 Sorry I LoL-ed so hard from this because I was the same many many years ago when I First started.... but seriously, no, buying a property is not an "expense". It's still profit just that in the Balance Sheet it'll be shown as a fixed asset (building) instead of a current asset (cash).
  2. H

    Seeking Advice: Pros and Cons of a 3rd Floor Small Shoplot

    @nirman762 Hahahaha not worth a dime... 108sqft for 120k is overpriced and and dumb especially when there's a 1000% overhang in office space throughout the country.
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    I'll make RM2mil from selling my business, how do I achieve financial freedom?

    @blessed2day 2 million ringgit ain't much to survive on these days especially when you're only in your early 30s with dependents. The inheritance thing is 20 years away from now, anything can happen between then and now, it probably should not factor into your immediate to mid term plans. I...
  4. H

    [Serious] Worrying about my future career and need advice

    @daniel_b_0506 Hey kid, no university can certify your design skills, the degree or diploma for design is almost useless. Unless you going into management.