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  1. J

    Girlfriends Parents Giving Us House Loan, I Have Some Q’s

    @sharpscrew1971 Cool, I’ll look into this. There’s so many types of lawyers, so I just need to figure out what the right one to approach is.
  2. J

    Girlfriends Parents Giving Us House Loan, I Have Some Q’s

    @zango11 3 years, not sure(?) but likely not, likely not, and likely.
  3. J

    Girlfriends Parents Giving Us House Loan, I Have Some Q’s

    @resjudicata Because they want to help out their daughter and her boyfriend? They’re not making an investment here lmfao.
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    Girlfriends Parents Giving Us House Loan, I Have Some Q’s

    @vivian100 I’m not intentionally “over-complicating” anything. I literally have no idea what I’m entering into, and doing research into just that. Why wouldn’t I not have equity in the home? I have no idea yet.
  5. J

    Girlfriends Parents Giving Us House Loan, I Have Some Q’s

    @destinyseeker What do you think some implications of it being classified as a gift entail? I’ve already decided a lawyer must be involved when the time comes. But for now I’m just curious
  6. J

    Girlfriends Parents Giving Us House Loan, I Have Some Q’s

    @nalowa I actually posted in a Canadian law subreddit after everyone confirmed I should speak to a lawyer.
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    Girlfriends Parents Giving Us House Loan, I Have Some Q’s

    @nalowa Certainly will ask a lawyer. I should have rephrased my question to say “what type of lawyer”
  8. J

    Girlfriends Parents Giving Us House Loan, I Have Some Q’s

    @rudee_m026 Exactly, there are way more ways it can go South than not. Great opportunity, and I’m thankful, but I’m certainly not going to be naive about how much of a nightmare it could turn into.
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    Girlfriends Parents Giving Us House Loan, I Have Some Q’s

    @rudee_m026 Yeah it’s not happening this exact minute, probably next year. But yes, I am certainly going to be getting a lawyer to help iron out the details. I’m certainly aware of how fucked this could get if things were to go South.
  10. J

    Girlfriends Parents Giving Us House Loan, I Have Some Q’s

    @everlastinggift It’s in the very initial idea stages tbh. Like I just found out 10 minutes ago.
  11. J

    Girlfriends Parents Giving Us House Loan, I Have Some Q’s

    Context: My girlfriends parents are giving us $500,000 as a loan, which we would be paying back to them over time. They are just taking on the role of the bank. This would allow us to purchase a house almost outright. However, I need to build in some personal assurance into this scenario...