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  1. H

    Mercury high gas bill despite not using heating at all.

    @christian_commenter_1234 It did kind of sound like you were paying $4/month total for gas. I know people who use a bottle a month, so the costs are high, for one bottle to last you 3 or 4 months, that's quite low, so it works for you.
  2. H

    Mercury high gas bill despite not using heating at all.

    @christian_commenter_1234 I'm sorry, but I do not believe you are paying $4 a month for LPG. Maybe they call it something else, but the delivery charge is where you are paying for your gas. What other costs are you being charged for gas?
  3. H

    Mercury high gas bill despite not using heating at all.

    @christian_commenter_1234 If you had your own bottles you wouldn't pay a delivery charge. I've done literally hundred of quotes/comparisons for LPG, they all have delivery charges. Are you talking about the 9kg bottles, because I'm talking about the 45kg ones.
  4. H

    Mercury high gas bill despite not using heating at all.

    @christian_commenter_1234 Yes, but the delivery costs for LPG bottles are where you get stung. I work for a utility company, would not recommend gas.
  5. H

    Powershop 33% increase

    @rickt65 It doesn't benefit low users. As the fixed daily charge increases, the unit rate is supposed to decrease. As someone who works in the industry, I have not seen much evidence of the rates decreasing. I have seen fixed daily charges between $5.50 to $6.00, imagine paying that before you...