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  1. N

    Buying a house - second mortgage

    @alexandrian34 I don't know how it works for insurance companies that provide mortgage. But in the case of a bank, the indirect amortization is done in the form of a 3a account. When signing the mortgage, the bank calculate the amortization amount that shall be reimbursed each...
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    Buying a house - second mortgage

    @alexandrian34 Yes. Amortization is either direct (you reimburse regularly the bank and diminish your debt) or indirect by putting that amount on your 3a. This is a popular option.
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    Looking for advice on what to do with 300K CHF

    @harperthe3rd Yes it did become less affordable. I have a few examples of people who construct their house in the first half of the 2000s (so land + new house), and the current price of their property doubled 20 years later. Did salaries doubled in 20 years? Unless my thinking process is wrong...
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    Looking for advice on what to do with 300K CHF

    @geodan Today, we are around 2%, which is already on the lower side historically. And anyway, I think that when interests are low, more want to get a property, making the prices rise even more. In the opposite, a rise in the interest rates can make it too expensive for some owners, and there...
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    Looking for advice on what to do with 300K CHF

    @harperthe3rd Will there ever be a good period to buy? Prices keep rising or maybe just a temporary stop recently. I can't see houses becoming more affordable in the future.
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    How is anyone with a full time job struggling ?

    @nomadnurse I think the situation depends a lot of the canton/Gemeinde, if you have access to (good) public structures or not. Public structures are subsidized, but he you want to, or have to, go with a private structures, you pay a lot more. Sometimes, you don't have the choice.
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    Have you used a professional financial advisor?

    @endalldisease No, we got a swisslife advisor instead and somehow regret it. I would have rather paid for a better service.