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  1. T

    The 2024 TFSA dollar limit is, or is not, possibly maybe confirmed, but not really, at $7,000, by me and not the CRA

    @rockgurl1965 I gotta figure out all my other contributions and not mess up one thing since I've started
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    TFSA vs RRSP for 100+K salary

    @resjudicata You're assuming that tax bracket rate will remain the same or lower . Doubtful Power is from getting that 30% money back you can invest for 30 years
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    The 2024 TFSA dollar limit is, or is not, possibly maybe confirmed, but not really, at $7,000, by me and not the CRA

    @endsoftheearth But isn't that reported from the CRA which everyone one is saying is inaccurate
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    The 2024 TFSA dollar limit is, or is not, possibly maybe confirmed, but not really, at $7,000, by me and not the CRA

    @rockgurl1965 I have to go through how many years of transfers and money moving around Maybe if that 10-year-olds only has his paper route allowance coming in If i mess up even one $5,000 transfer that I didn't see....
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    The 2024 TFSA dollar limit is, or is not, possibly maybe confirmed, but not really, at $7,000, by me and not the CRA

    @kohelet I guess I should have looked at that before it contributed $30,000 because that's what the cra website said Maybe I can get my bank to look into it for me so I don't miss anything they probably have better filtering parameters
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    The 2024 TFSA dollar limit is, or is not, possibly maybe confirmed, but not really, at $7,000, by me and not the CRA

    @justdoug Crap. Do they tell you when this once per year is because obviously I could run into issues
  7. T

    The 2024 TFSA dollar limit is, or is not, possibly maybe confirmed, but not really, at $7,000, by me and not the CRA

    @raffadalbo I don't keep track of how much TFSA I've contributed and it's kind of impossible to do so now I completely rely on the CRA to tell me how much room I have available How often is that updated