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  1. M

    Upper Middle Class After Almost Failing College

    @kaysue Ahh yes top 5 neighborhood in the city with a rising yeshiva school opening in the next year or so. Very undesirable indeed
  2. M

    Upper Middle Class After Almost Failing College

    @kaysue 😂 ok it was on multiple lists since you guys like reports so much.
  3. M

    Upper Middle Class After Almost Failing College

    @kaysue I mean it was in the top places to live for a while on Forbes 🤷🏻‍♂️
  4. M

    Upper Middle Class After Almost Failing College

    @kaysue Ahh yes top 5 neighborhood in the city with a rising yeshiva school opening in the next year or so. Very undesirable indeed
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    Upper Middle Class After Almost Failing College

    @mel62 I mean the truth hurts sometimes 🤷🏻‍♂️
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    Upper Middle Class After Almost Failing College

    @mel62 Why so many downvotes 🤣. I bought my entire house for 150k with more sq ft 1 more bedroom and 1 less bath. Got to know where to buy and where not to live.
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    Upper Middle Class After Almost Failing College

    @hwereson It depends on who you know also. Just saying college is a scam.
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    Upper Middle Class After Almost Failing College

    @johanlolz No trade here. I am a fire inspector
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    Upper Middle Class After Almost Failing College

    @resjudicata Average meaning those whose parents paid for most if not all and those who got grants etc. That is heavily skewed data if I’ve ever seen it.
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    Upper Middle Class After Almost Failing College

    @david This is purely based on personal experience plus experience of talking to many people throughout my career. What the studies don’t tell you is that most if not all of those people with higher degrees have student debt that takes them 20 years or more to pay off due to high interest. In...
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    Upper Middle Class After Almost Failing College

    @david More often than not? Maybe in your area but here I deal with a lot of people who are successful and have no degrees or just went to trade school etc. Most people who go to college do not even get a job in their field unless it’s specialized like medical school or engineering. You are...
  12. M

    Upper Middle Class After Almost Failing College

    @hwereson Damn that’s expensive for a house that size. College has no correlation to success it’s just a lie fed to us by the 1%.