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  1. L

    I think Auckland housing prices will continue to fall by 15%-25%

    @resjudicata "It's in the banks and governments best interest to continue manipulating the economy to keep the debt based monetary system going." There I fixed it for you.
  2. L

    Impact of behavioural biases on investment decisions

    @ciel One piece of feedback, this survey seems to make the assumption that the investor's strategy is to buy individual stocks, it's a little difficult to answer when the investor's strategy is to not stock pick and simply buy the market (via index/ETF funds). All the best with your project.
  3. L

    I think Auckland housing prices will continue to fall by 15%-25%

    @grey20 Your assets don't go up in value, the value of the dollar you earn becomes less. Inflation is a thief that steals from every individual, but is a key requirement of the current fiat monetary system.