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    [Auto][NB] What are good insurance options for someone who has had 1 at fault accident in 3 years?

    @dawgsnlocust 1 at-fault alone shouldn't render you uninsurable. Have you had tickets? Any non-pay cancellations? There has to be something else. Continue to shop around but also reach out to brokers who can shop around for you.
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    Confusion : Date of first US/Canadian License

    @echo2788 I'll echo this. Most insurers generally don't count international driving history, and so they definitely wouldn't count 2010-2018 in Asia. Where your New Jersey license expired and you had to restart the whole process in Ontario, where Ontario essentially considered you a new driver...
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    Car insurance in Ontario, Canada

    @rickeyfred Cutting it a bit late. You should've been getting quoted as soon as you agreed to purchase, or at the very latest a month or so ago (most insurers can quoted within a 30-60 day window.) Literally any broker in your area is fine, but you may also find a better rate with a...
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    Just got into an accident and I’m at fault

    @godisveryreal Property and casualty insurance (like home and auto) is almost always issued issued a year at a time. But to be clear you didn’t sign for just a year. You agreed to a policy that has a one year term and automatically renews until either party ends the agreement. I have to be clear...
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    PSA: If you make changes to your policy mid-term, your billing will look weird

    @tgrubin61 I had a like that situation recently. "So with the change today, your new annual amount is X. From now until your renewal, it's a pro-rated increase of Y. With that divided over your remaining payments, your new monthly amount is Z." "Can you explain that?" "Which part?" "All of...
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    Just got into an accident and I’m at fault

    @godisveryreal Your policy doesn’t end and then renew. It just renews (unless you request otherwise or have done something to warrant them not renewing you.) The claim would affect you at the next yearly renewal date.
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    Stolen Vehicle Claim

    @richief The broker has very little to do with the claims process. They are not an adjuster - they are a broker. They can advise and advocate to a degree, but they really shouldn't have their hands in the claims process. As wannabe_pineapple said, you're disputing the settlement so the onus is...
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    Just got into an accident and I’m at fault

    @godisveryreal No one can predict this, not even your insurer, as other factors can and will affect your rates at renewal. You also don’t give us much to go on, such as province, how long you’ve been driving, whether you were ticketed in conjunction with the accident, etc. But an at-fault...
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    Third Party Liability on a Rental

    @dtom201 I don't believe this is correct. Endorsement 27 is Legal Liability for Damage to Non-Owned Automobiles. It's not liability towards third parties. Generally the rental agency is required to supply liability up to the provincial/state minimums, but they can include more. If the rental...
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    Property Insurance Claim

    @josephjnapoleon No because the other insurer is not paying for your damages. Not initially, anyway. When you suffer a loss due to an identified third-party you essentially have two options; 1) Go through your insurance, get the damage covered per the limits of your party, subject to your...
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    Property Insurance Claim

    @josephjnapoleon A lot of this comes down to risks you assume with an older and/or heritage home. As far as the insurer is concerned, you had a fence before and will have a fence after. You had a patio before, you will have a patio after. You had a plant before, you will have a plant after...
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    Taking winter tires off early

    @lennyb 8 years in the biz and it’s pretty normal. Insurers have to be careful when it comes to stuff like this as it can create what’s called an estoppel, which is basically where they paint themselves into a corner by promising or stating some definitively that could later be used against you...
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    Non-Occupant Rental Insurance Mandatory or not?

    @mightygodam Just because you don't care doesn't mean it's not applicable. A condo policy includes coverage for a loss assessment, if there's damage to a shared space or common area or potentially even if there's liability arising out of injury occurring in a common area. With this cover, if...
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    Should my house be insured as a 2 or 3 bedroom?

    @gilcollect This. I've looked at square footage, stories, age, etc. but never a breakdown of each room and its purpose. If OP has encountered an insurer that's going that nitty-gritty, then tell them and let them decide how to rate it but I can't imagine many insurers are asking that.
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    Itemizing lost items

    @thejoyfulfollower You won’t be compensated for your time. Maybe the raw materials, or potentially a ready maybe table of similar size, material and function.
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    Itemizing lost items

    @thejoyfulfollower The more info the better to support the price tag. If you don't know or you can't remember, that's fine, but where you can it's better to give as much info as you can. Read this.
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    Itemizing lost items

    @thejoyfulfollower Basically, yes. Also, yes. "Like kind and quality" are the keywords here.
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    Seeking Insurance Underwriting Opportunities in Canada

    @questionquest74 So unless I'm misreading I don't really see anything that is specifically P&C related. A lot of parallel or adjacent experience, some overall risk assessment experience, but a lot of loan and health underwriting it sounds like. Am I correct or off base? I've only ever worked...
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    Seeking Insurance Underwriting Opportunities in Canada

    @questionquest74 Just to go back to your original post, you mention an MBA in Finance but what's your experience in property & casualty insurance? What roles or titles did you hold in those 6.5 years? What would you say is your knowledge/familiarity with home and/or auto insurance in Canada, or...
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    Seeking Insurance Underwriting Opportunities in Canada

    @questionquest74 I mean I don't know how policies are structured in India. I would've thought the basic concepts of insurance are pretty standard, but I deal with a lot of newcomers (not just from India) who seem completely baffled by our insurance system, so I wouldn't assume that experience...