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  1. T

    Really need guidance: Do I choose the super cheap apartment or the comfortable one?

    @berighteous For 1600, I'd still think cheaper is better. A couple hundred leeway means those weeks you get too busy or sick to Doordash could really be painful.
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    Really need guidance: Do I choose the super cheap apartment or the comfortable one?

    @berighteous Given that your income is only a consistent $600, take the one you can afford on that alone. I'd say otherwise if your income was higher. It's too much of a gamble to take up residence in a more costly option given that important information.
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    Emergency savings: HOW MUCH???

    @jimmykiff The idea is that both of those numbers are "low" and "start somewhere" numbers. You can attach whatever number you want to, that makes you get into the habit of saving vs spending. First step is just to have enough that you aren't saying "I don't get paid until Friday and I have no...
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    Being kicked out of an rv, need advice

    @jodys82 Encourage them as much as you can. The small town churches vary so drastically. Some can kick rocks. Others are just good people who want to be able to help others. Those churches are also usually networked with other communities. I know the Lutheran church back home shared a pastor...
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    Being kicked out of an rv, need advice

    @jodys82 With the local church or church in general? If it's the local church, that's reasonable to shy away from it. She's an adult, not a child anymore. Which is when most of us have our church trauma. Take what they have to give, roll your eyes upward for their preaching if they want to...
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    Being kicked out of an rv, need advice

    @jodys82 I'm just another Oregonian, who grew up rural, where this was sadly not an unheard of scenario. I had friends living in camp trailers on various plots of lands, sometimes not RV park related. This is also the reason you gotta get out of those areas but with a disabled mother, that...
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    Being kicked out of an rv, need advice

    @jodys82 I found this in my digging, I didn't read it thoroughly but it covers RV tenancy laws in Oregon to help you see if anything in there pertains to their situation.