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    NPS calculations: Is NPS a good option or not under current rules.

    @isika Employer contribution is capped at 10% of basic so every time you get a yearly hike, this will increase. Also, not all companies give the option to contribute to NPS. I've had only 2 out of 4 companies I worked at give that option.
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    NPS calculations: Is NPS a good option or not under current rules.

    @isika Thanks for the calculator, it really opened my eye looking at the annuity adjusted to inflation. I just want to add some points here and these are just my way of thinking: 1.) Instead of reducing MF contribution by 30% to account for taxes, I feel it's better to look at the money saved...
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    NPS calculations: Is NPS a good option or not under current rules.

    @isika In my experience, I feel tax saving through corporate contributions is worth it. I've been investing in NPS since Nov 2019 under aggressive auto choice and my current XIRR is at 14.4%. I'm saving like 50k in taxes due to NPS contributions.
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    Reached my first milestone. How do I celebrate this ?

    @thelordismyshepard777 I read this on some FIRE post long back which I liked. That person used to buy a gold coin to celebrate every milestone. I think this is a great physical reminder of net worth other than the numbers on a website or app. So maybe buying a gold coin for every 1Cr milestone.
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    Looking for FTSE or MSCI All World ETF/Fund in India

    @abdallah20 There are more funds: just search for Global Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a way to search for the Index in the app I use.
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    Looking for FTSE or MSCI All World ETF/Fund in India

    @abdallah20 . Something like this ?