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  1. M

    Riskier borrowers under inflation pressure frozen out of US car loans (FT)

    @alex2017 One thing that I think your hypothetical misses is whether or not that subprime borrower is actually getting a 20k vehicle. I think the math changes a lot when you’re borrowing 10k @ 26% (which comes out to $260/mo). You’re still overpaying massively for the vehicle, but the payment...
  2. M

    F It, probably won't make it to retirement. Cashing out retirement to buy a house

    @savednocompromise I already pointed that out.
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    F It, probably won't make it to retirement. Cashing out retirement to buy a house

    @championflyer While there are ways around the relative illiquidity of a house, all of them are significantly riskier since they are all tied to your shelter as collateral. While I’m certainly not shy about the concept of good debt, a vast majority of people would be uncomfortable taking on that...
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    F It, probably won't make it to retirement. Cashing out retirement to buy a house

    @championflyer Counterpoint - home value doesn’t mean too much unless you intend on selling and using the proceeds to downsize or move to a LCOL area. In general people aren’t going to willingly make themselves homeless and a like for like trade in the same general area usually doesn’t benefit...