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  1. P

    How long have they been charging us 6.5% on Student loans? 🫣😂

    @heartnsoul19 I am relatively keen to move, but at the same time I am quite tied to the UK. It's a tough one.
  2. P

    How long have they been charging us 6.5% on Student loans? 🫣😂

    @hall You're penalised for doing a good degree basically, I'm going up pay massive piles of money in interest and principal because I studied something marketable and consequently got a decent job and happened to be born at a specific time. More fool me I guess.
  3. P

    How long have they been charging us 6.5% on Student loans? 🫣😂

    @cp115 Probably the same as someone on a plan 1, or someone that went to uni in Europe, or someone who's parents paid for their course, and a lot more (including paying a lot more) than someone that did a useless degree that'll have their debt written off at 30. Very fair system, really cool!