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  1. E

    Savings Recommendations?

    @murderer Thank you! Also attempting to figure out if there’s merit to doing more than the max matching amount into 401k, whether I should max out a Roth or keep more in savings, etc
  2. E

    Savings Recommendations?

    @rrztop1 That makes sense! In that case I’ll probably stay out of index funds or at least pretty light in them, as ideally I’d like to buy a property in 3ish years when I move out, to avoid the money pit that renting tends to be
  3. E

    Savings Recommendations?

    @rrztop1 Any particular reason for that 5 year figure on index funds? Thinking home buying is ~5 years away. To the best of my understanding, you hit long term capital gains at 1 year of holding an index fund, right? So would I be clear to invest in index funds even if I intended to cash out in...
  4. E

    Savings Recommendations?

    Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but looking for recommendations on how to set up my savings. Freshly graduating 22M making $77k, living with parents for free so no rent. Have to pay my own insurances, gas, food, etc but that’s all so expenses are pretty minimal. I’m trying to save...