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  1. J

    6 months in Canada-6 months in Japan while working for a Canadian employer: is it possible?

    @mariangel Really ? My friend lived with his wife in Canada when he applied for spouse visa to go work there as he found a job that could not sponsor his visa.
  2. J

    6 months in Canada-6 months in Japan while working for a Canadian employer: is it possible?

    @greenmart123 You have to. It's something you have to apply to and give all the proper documents and forms. It's not something you get at the airport when you land in Japan like when you go as a tourist. Actually any form of visa need to be given before you go, the only "exception" is for...
  3. J

    6 months in Canada-6 months in Japan while working for a Canadian employer: is it possible?

    @greenmart123 Obviously spouse visa is your only option. You cannot get a work visa for what you describe as your employer would not be able to sponsor the visa.