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    How would you keep your losses at a minimum with vehicle replacement?

    @goodoldan I used to drive 30-50k for my job and my answer was a Prius. They are pretty cheap to buy and in my experience completely bulletproof in terms of reliability. They are also very cheap to maintain. They use small tires that are cheap to replace, and I would get about 70k on a set of...
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    How would you keep your losses at a minimum with vehicle replacement?

    @ladyofthedogs Also a Ford Lightning if you can even get ahold of one is like $100k. OP said inexpensive car.
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    How would you keep your losses at a minimum with vehicle replacement?

    @ladyofthedogs Yeah so OP drives 3x that amount which means they are going possibly 2-3x the range of a single charge in a day. Constant fast charges will kill and EV battery.
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    How would you keep your losses at a minimum with vehicle replacement?

    @ladyofthedogs If he’s driving 65-75k miles a year, how exactly do you think he’s gonna drive that many miles on a car that goes a couple hundred miles on a charge? Do you plan on him sitting at a charger half his life? We already are seeing people who use teslas as cabs and put high mileage...
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    Hooray you’re middle class in Texas!

    @resjudicata This is so wrong. $76k a year in MA would NOT make you middle class. Unless we are changing the definition of middle class. In my mind, owning a home is one of the main parts and you can’t buy a home in MA on that. Maybe if you made that 15 years ago, but not anymore. Hell, most...