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  1. R

    Bank is offering 4.6% APY - should I park $220k my savings in there?

    @jlchoa Yes, larger... So it would be the most common of expenses... Down payment
  2. R

    Bank is offering 4.6% APY - should I park $220k my savings in there?

    @jlchoa Why is it unlikely he'll use a large sum of money not in a retirement fund?
  3. R

    Bank is offering 4.6% APY - should I park $220k my savings in there?

    @dayboivietnam What if he needs it in 12 months for a large purchase?
  4. R

    Thoughts on 5M Portfolio?

    @hd8e8dx Most, if not all, of the people I know who retired (many cause I'm close to that age) have not declined and have enjoyed the hell out of their retirement.