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  1. W

    7 distinctions, need guidance on next steps

    @dreamylala I have a very strong opinion on this topic. I did really well in matric, also 7 distinctions, did not work all that hard, finished matric in 2016, 85%+ avg. I thought I was clever. BUT THEN, I went to study electrical engineering at Stellenbosch..... because I thought I was soooo...
  2. W

    Retirement trade off: RA, TFSA, and a personal account

    @elly1 There are a couple issues that I see: Firstly, you need to remember that you cannot take the full amount of your RA at retirement. You are only allowed to take 1/3rd as a lump sum. The other 2/3rds need to buy a compulsory annuity (life or living annuity). The first 1/3rd you take as a...