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  1. H

    Where/How much financial training do you have?

    @albein Invested and handled my finances appropriately. No, I did not jump on GME if that's what you're asking - I've had the same investment strategy since I started working. Yes, we have had a great market for the last few years which I guess is "great timing", but if you invest consistently...
  2. H

    Should my SO and I both be maxing TSP/401k?

    @resjudicata Roth vs Traditional has no difference on expenses. They're all the same within your 401k.
  3. H

    Should my SO and I both be maxing TSP/401k?

    @resjudicata That's a question for Traditional vs Roth, not maxing it out.
  4. H

    E-5, 9 years, 30% going to TSP should I change anything about my contributions

    @mrogers The "cheaper" notion isn't accurate. It doesn't matter what the price of it is right now. $1 is $1 invested. Don't look at the price of the fund.
  5. H

    50% of TSP participants are in the G Fund

    @resjudicata Not anymore it's not. Your corresponding L fund is the default.
  6. H

    Where/How much financial training do you have?

    @albein Zero. Self education on how to handle my finances and now I have 100k net worth as a 24 year old. Bragging? Not in the slightest. Proving a point that you don't need a piece of paper to make good decisions. And on that note - ATTACK!
  7. H

    Where/How much financial training do you have?

    @albein Lol okay dude.
  8. H

    Where/How much financial training do you have?

    @albein Ya, and most of it comes from you dude. Look at your post history - almost every one of your comments on this sub are wrong and thus downvoted into oblivion. It's honestly quite impressive that you keep trying. There are very few reddit names that I remember. Yours is one of them. Congrats!
  9. H

    Where/How much financial training do you have?

    @albein This was asked a few days ago and it frankly doesn't matter. 99% of the questions on this sub aren't asking for a complex analysis of the market or a complicated tax question. They are almost all personal finance questions, which do not require a fancy piece of paper to answer.
  10. H

    How does the TSP grow exactly?

    @brianch35 Your year over year return, though, is 0%, which is what everyone looks at. Slightly different than just the average yearly return. You have to calculate it on your cost basis instead of just percentages.
  11. H

    Do you use your own formula for funds or do you lean towards L funds?

    @john812mom Don't mix regular funds and L funds. That's a weird combination. I'm 26 and personally do 80/20 C/S because I want to be aggressive. Don't want anything in the G fund right now.
  12. H

    TSP to pay debt?

    @blade10327 No. You will pay taxes and penalties. Withdrawing early from your TSP is almost never the answer. You can look into a TSP loan, but that depends on many factors. What's your total income and expenses? Wife work?
  13. H

    Military Personal Finance Flowchart

    @abidingpatri0t Eh. That’s how you figure out how to save enough money for that emergency fund. Should be #1 i think.
  14. H

    Should my SO and I both be maxing TSP/401k?

    @yorkslad Too much tax deferred can theoretically be a problem, but it shouldn't be. There are plenty of ways to access your TSP money early. What age do you plan on not working anymore and living off of retirement funds?
  15. H

    Civilian TSP

    @amandacm A civilian TSP is separate from your mil one anyway. But to answer your question, most federal jobs. What do you mean you'll create a Roth IRA at tax time if needed? It's not "needed", but you should absolutely have it and max it before you're putting money into a taxable account.
  16. H

    Stuck in AMEX popup jail. Wait it out or apply for cards w/o a SUB?

    @rickylovesjesus Not bad. When you started applying again, how long did you wait? I would wait at least 3 months with solid spend on your cards.
  17. H

    Stuck in AMEX popup jail. Wait it out or apply for cards w/o a SUB?

    @rickylovesjesus How quickly did you get your cards and how often have you been applying?
  18. H

    50% of TSP participants are in the G Fund

    @jose96 I wonder what this is encompassing. Like does having 1% of your portfolio on the G fund count as being "in" the G fund? Same thing for S and I, as those are shockingly low as well.
  19. H

    Moving Money

    @gordy101 HYSA would likely be best.
  20. H

    Moving Money

    @gordy101 Your emergency fund shouldn't be invested (bonds are fine). What happens when the market goes down? You should have a Roth IRA before a taxable brokerage account, yes.