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  1. G

    17 y/o with no prior financial experience (no job/money to speak of) - What's the #1 thing I should know?

    @nothinges Not true that you lose,inflation is at 3 while long term capital gain tax is no higher than 15, you will still earn money if you get taxed, that’s like saying you wouldn’t accept 100 from me if the government was going to take 18. Emergency Savings funds are on an individual basis...
  2. G

    17 y/o with no prior financial experience (no job/money to speak of) - What's the #1 thing I should know?

    @nothinges Another point of an emergency savings fund is that it gains interest. You don’t seem to have a good idea of finances recommending insurances over saving’s accounts .
  3. G

    17 y/o with no prior financial experience (no job/money to speak of) - What's the #1 thing I should know?

    @nothinges Active Duty or not he needs an emergency fund? Things happen outside of the military, like family emergency’s, death, car crashes, ect.
  4. G

    17 y/o with no prior financial experience (no job/money to speak of) - What's the #1 thing I should know?

    @nothinges I’m confused as to what you disagree with, first off it’s there first car, they do not need a new car.And Auto loans are ridiculous, if you can’t afford it in cash, you can’t afford it. No point of paying a bank interest for a liability that will only absolutely decrease in value.
  5. G

    17 y/o with no prior financial experience (no job/money to speak of) - What's the #1 thing I should know?

    @rugged Start with baby steps, I’m not exactly sure why everyone wants you to invest into your retirement when they don’t know if your set up financially to be okay right now, should something happen. Step 1) Create an Emergency Savings Fund of at least 3-6 months of expenses should something...