Search results

  1. C

    35, 330k NW. At a crossroad and I need advice what's next

    @pixelsage At 30, I quit my engineering job of 10 years to go travelling and had the best 3 years of my life. When I decided not to go back to engineering, I too felt insecure and anxious about the future, but I decided to learn new skills and started an e-commerce company. I don't have any...
  2. C

    35, 330k NW. At a crossroad and I need advice what's next

    @pixelsage I'm 40, and have half of your NET worth. I read your post and it made me quite sad to be honest. I've just spent the last 5-6 years travelling with my girlfriend and we've just decided to settle down in Lisbon. We both earn about 70-80k between us NET, but we're really happy. We...