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  1. V

    Going forward, how does anyone reaching the 3 million super cap when you can’t make non concessional contributions after 1.9m?

    @resjudicata Div 293 was introduced in 2012 with a 300K threshhold. What is your prediction for when the threshold will be raised above 300K? (It's currently 11 years later and has been lowered to 250K, and there has been no talk of raising it, although there have been suggestions of lowering it...
  2. V

    Going forward, how does anyone reaching the 3 million super cap when you can’t make non concessional contributions after 1.9m?

    @lindseym1013 Div 293 was introduced over 10 years ago unindexed, and not only has the nominal threshhold not gone up since then, it's actually gone down. There's no knowing what future governments will do, so all we have at the moment is the current policy, which is that they deliberately do...
  3. V

    Going forward, how does anyone reaching the 3 million super cap when you can’t make non concessional contributions after 1.9m?

    @lindseym1013 That's simply wrong, the threshold was deliberately not indexed to inflation in order to affect more people over time. A 25 year old earning $100,000 with 3% annual salary growth (which may not even beat inflation) and 7% annual returns (below historical averages) will hit 3...