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  1. G

    IBKR vs Pillar 3b

    @wonkydonkey Nope, pillar 3a is clear to me :) They meant 3b
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    IBKR vs Pillar 3b

    @quant Yes, pretty sure. I already invest in pillar 3a
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    IBKR vs Pillar 3b

    @branden What is the tax-free part that you mention?
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    IBKR vs Pillar 3b

    @cindergames I saw this other post saying something similar to what I have been told: Seems a lot of coincidence for false information.
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    IBKR vs Pillar 3b

    @cindergames I found this: "For example, payouts from 3b life insurance policies are generally tax-free (specific rule for unit-linked life insurance and single-premium life insurance)." So yes, it...
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    IBKR vs Pillar 3b

    I wonder why the downvotes though.
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    IBKR vs Pillar 3b

    @mandofett I will ask more in detail.
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    IBKR vs Pillar 3b

    @mandofett They didn't mean capital gains, they meant "wealth tax at reduced rate on the value sold" apart from the wealth tax.
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    IBKR vs Pillar 3b

    Hi all, This topic is widely discussed on other threads but I would like to gather more, ideally up to date, opinions. I have most of my savings in VOO + V T with InteractiveBrokers. My tax accountant recommended energetically to move some of that (if not all) to pillar 3b claiming that: - If...