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  1. L

    Some beginner questions in prep for moving to Japan

    @resjudicata Any business income, from an S corp or sole proprietorship proceeds, are just listed as income on the Japan side. Which is quite business-unfriendly in the end as the rates are much higher, and that’s one reason I decided to sell the first business.
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    Some beginner questions in prep for moving to Japan

    @resjudicata It’s an S corp and I’m the I’m the only employee. My former company was also an S corp and we manufactures and warehouses Japanese visual novels and T-Shirts but I had the good luck to sell it in march of 2020. Taxes are declared in both places but the tax treaty takes care of...
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    Some beginner questions in prep for moving to Japan

    @leeblessings I live in Japan, but have a company in the US, so I am easily able to have a “legal footprint“ in the US, and a legal mailing address etc. It’s very convenient and I recommend it were possible. Investing in Japan, or using Japanese brokers, is quite frustrating and sometimes...
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    Move now or later in career when JPY is better? Japanese-American considering FAANG opportunity

    By which I mean declaring taxes in both countries, but of course only paying taxes in America if you’re over a certain amount in Japan. Something like $90,000.
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    Move now or later in career when JPY is better? Japanese-American considering FAANG opportunity

    @gingermarie You should always, always take a job with外資系companies if you can, the money will be much better, and you’ll basically have the best of both worlds. Remember that as an American you’ll probably be paying taxes in both countries. Also, don’t forget that.