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  1. J

    28 y/o, feeling stressed after transferring $7k into 2024 Roth IRA contribution

    @victoryforever If you die before 59.5 then you've given your beneficiary an amazing gift. They won't owe any taxes on their inheritance, unlike a traditional IRA.
  2. J

    Should I invest in s&p 500 (Voo&schd) or continue getting 5.2% off of t-bills?

    @godisatulpa Thats some nice cherries you got there bruv.
  3. J

    Should I invest in s&p 500 (Voo&schd) or continue getting 5.2% off of t-bills?

    @imnotcrazy It really depends on what your goals are and your timeline. If you don't need this money in the next 5 years, sp500 is far and away the superior investment.