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  1. R

    Do stocks have "base" currency?

    @resjudicata Which one do i buy then?
  2. R

    Do stocks have "base" currency?

    @resjudicata But what about your example with the 47%? So did we make just as much profit as with USD even though it shows less? Does a world CHF ETF that shows 40% profit with exactly the same positions like the USD ETF that made 70% profit still make exactly the same profit?
  3. R

    Do stocks have "base" currency?

    @resjudicata Im sorry but im too retarded to understand this. After EURUSD changed to 1.5 does that mean that we actually did profit less or we profited just as much but its just not displayed as such? I have this problem with many of the swiss penaion fonds i use in my retirement plan. It...
  4. R

    Where are those super salaries in excess of 200k USD coming from in the US and do such opportunities exist in Europe?

    @witbos Yea the average household earns 11k but the average household has 2 people working. Obviously you wont have as many people earning 100k in italy or germany but you can cover all expenses of a family with 2k/month in italy while child care will cost you 1.6k/month in Switzerland. A...
  5. R

    Where are those super salaries in excess of 200k USD coming from in the US and do such opportunities exist in Europe?

    @witbos I wouldnt say its fairly common to make 100k, especially not in entry level roles. Heres official statistiks that shows only 23.6 of...