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  1. C

    Liquidate TFSA to pay off Mortgage or renew at 5.7% 5 yr Fixed?

    @squidomerer If I’m understanding this right it’s the opportunity cost of inflating your TFSA over time. For sake of easy math let’s say my current TFSA of 160k averages 5% every year. So; 2025: 168k + 7k contribution 2026: 183k + 7k 2027: 200k + 7k Total room: 207k 3 years from now...
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    Liquidate TFSA to pay off Mortgage or renew at 5.7% 5 yr Fixed?

    @1soloved That didn’t even cross my mind, definitely something to add to the pros of keeping the TFSA invested.
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    Liquidate TFSA to pay off Mortgage or renew at 5.7% 5 yr Fixed?

    @paperdimension That is true, if I do half and half and a 3 yr I could pay it off in that timeframe and still have to goal to add to the mortgage with yearly savings. I can do up to 20% a year of the original principal.
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    Liquidate TFSA to pay off Mortgage or renew at 5.7% 5 yr Fixed?

    @1986kari Yes the stress relief from being debt free is the biggest upside I see, I just don’t know if I’ll be become stressed from not having savings then lol. Thank you :)
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    Liquidate TFSA to pay off Mortgage or renew at 5.7% 5 yr Fixed?

    @jennyfer88baker No CMHC, I’m going to look for more rates. I need to call my current provider tomorrow to get the latest. I’m leaning this way, if I can get a lower rate and pay 20% a year down for 3 yrs it’s paid off. I won’t be saving much in the time frame for investing but at least my...
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    Liquidate TFSA to pay off Mortgage or renew at 5.7% 5 yr Fixed?

    32 M Net $4000 a month after expenses currently. Federal DB Pension. (50% in my mid 40s) No debt besides the mortgage. Wife is not working and soon to be stay at home mom with baby on the way. Mortgage up for renewal 2 Feb 2024 with 200k principal left. TFSA: 160k (5.2% yield, all...