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  1. M

    Getting an EIN for 合同会社/株式会社

    @subaru17 I see, thats not what I was told. The IRS actually told me they have no way to use the corporate My Number and that it wouldn’t hurt to apply for an EIN anyway as it just apparently makes tax reporting easier.
  2. M

    Getting an EIN for 合同会社/株式会社

    I called the IRS international line recently to request an EIN for my 合同会社 because I need to file either IRS Form 5471 or IRS Form 8832 and subsequently IRS Form 8858 each year and have to decide upon that pretty quickly since the business was officially designated as established by the Yokohama...
  3. M

    Amex ANA Gold Card Application

    @lovemy4girls I actually called them after this and my policy with banking is to ensure I don’t royally screw myself I always ask for an interpreter so I said 「もしもし、英語を話してください」which usually will result in an interpreter being connected at other companies. I know SMBC Card does this, but they...
  4. M

    Amex ANA Gold Card Application

    @lovemy4girls I tried getting AmEx through the "Global Transfer" feature. Denied within a week. No reason given. Applied immediately after rejection for the Amazon SMBC card with cashing and ETC and approved via the paper application. I have no idea why this was the case. I would have...