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  1. S

    The Indian government restricted FDI in media so BBC bypasses it by creating a new Indian entity fully owned by Indians. A fun read

    @genebgto Of course if they don’t match your viewpoint they are propaganda. That’s the golden rule.
  2. S

    The Indian government restricted FDI in media so BBC bypasses it by creating a new Indian entity fully owned by Indians. A fun read

    @genebgto Countries protect their media market from foreign influence. US ended up banning RT and drove CCTV out after making them register as foreign agents. You can blame Modi all you want. Even with internet it is possible to moderate what is published by platforms in particular countries
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    The Indian government restricted FDI in media so BBC bypasses it by creating a new Indian entity fully owned by Indians. A fun read

    @lilly159 Govt should create a press note clarifying a news entity is the one that publishes the content. In this case Creative Newsroom is not an independent media organization, it’s a contractual production company. BBC India cannot publish in India because it is not following the FDI rules.