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  1. S

    Towing company is suggesting to me that it’s not my responsibility to sign release documents after being involved in non fault collision.

    @purposelychosen86 lol this is such classic tow truck behaviour. I’m surprised these guys aren’t regulated more. A few things to always know: 1. You should never let a tow truck hook up to your vehicle if you have other options. 2. Tow truck drivers are just in it to make money and the longer...
  2. S

    Help! Waiver of Depreciation

    @sovereignone Hahaha…I was definitely not praising having brokers. I think they are useless and often don’t know what they are selling the customer. But since OP had a broker, likely prefers working with one, as most do.
  3. S

    Help! Waiver of Depreciation

    @henriettag This is an error on your broker and it should get escalated with them not the insurer. You’ll likely just get reimbursed for the cost of the depreciation endorsement you paid for over the past 4yrs, but nothing else. I suggest you find a better broker, who understands what they are...