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  1. J

    Planning for the next 5 years - at 30 y/o

    @nyamcbel Nothing wrong with it - love living there - but would like to have a bit more room & possibly enough to have kids in the future. All my family and friends are in London - the idea of moving out into the suburbs has never appealed to me. I'd prefer to live in an average terraced house...
  2. J

    Planning for the next 5 years - at 30 y/o

    @jona23 Thanks for your thoughts. I tend to agree as we already have a second house which is enough hassle - so to have 3 properties with full time jobs (and maybe kids in the future) may be one step too far but the trade off could be a very cushty retirement...
  3. J

    Planning for the next 5 years - at 30 y/o

    @resjudicata All my family and friends live in London, and I wouldn’t want to isolate myself in that way. I’m happy to keep working - I enjoy my job- just want to set myself up properly for the day that I do tire of working.
  4. J

    Planning for the next 5 years - at 30 y/o

    @uriel_1 Indeed, let’s see how it goes. Many thanks for your input.
  5. J

    Planning for the next 5 years - at 30 y/o

    @uriel_1 Take your point re main residence. The rented property has increased in value by a third so even with CGT taken into account I see that as decent compensation versus what I would have secured had it been put in an index fund or similar.
  6. J

    Planning for the next 5 years - at 30 y/o

    @uriel_1 Yes you are right - the option of keeping the 600k flat would involve me going in with my partner to get a bigger mortgage on the new house (he earns 65k so we’d just about be ok) but as you say, still going to be tight. The house is primarily somewhere to live but I also want to see...
  7. J

    Planning for the next 5 years - at 30 y/o

    Hi all, Wanted to get some different perspectives on financial planning for my next move. I'm not a big earner and unlikely to earn substantially more than I do now unless I have a major career change. I live in London and own a flat outright worth circa £600k (early inheritance), and co-own a...